Whether we like it or not, electricity plays a huge role in our lives today. It should definitely not be feared but it certainly needs to be respected and treated properly to avoid any problems. The tricky part here is to teach all that to your child who thinks the power outlets look like little hungry faces, just waiting to [...]
Keeping your workspace organised has never been easy. You may often think that you don’t have the time to tidy your desk, but if you realise how much stress the disorganisation causes you and how much it costs you, you would reconsider. One thing is organising your tabletop from papers and pens, but a much more difficult task is [...]
Being constantly surrounded by electrical devices at home and work, we need to be aware of the hazards the cables bring, as well as keep our surrounding environment tidy and clean. With small children and pets sharing our home, chewing up, tugging at or wrapping around their necks is a common scenario of the cables. The need for a proper [...]
Providing a well-designed, comfortable office to your employees is a great way to increase productivity. An attractive office space also goes a long way in impressing clients. One easy way to clean up your office space is by making sure that cables (internet, laptop chargers, phone wires, extension cords) are not visible. It is, however, [...]